Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another work from Nicola Caredda

Nicola Caredda

Well this is interesting! The childrent that seem sick (again) are getting experimental and it seems as though they are trying to take the gut out of the animal. The question is, are they planning on doing this to all their toys in the blue bags?!

My view on this art-work by Treacy Ziegler

Treacy Ziegler
"Off Stage"
19 x 14.5 inches
26 x 21 inches framed

When I look at her work, I feel put into a situation, by myself. The focus-point is the chair that is in the limelight, but yet it is "off-stage", almost as if she invites me to sit on it and breath the peace that is the opposite of the feeling I would get when I am in the middle of attention. Very great piece.
Unfortunately it was sold already and I understand why.

You can find her work in the Chase Young Gallery some are still for sale:
450 Harrison Ave, No. 57  Boston   MA   02118    617-859-7222

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Arshile Gorky -

Arshile GorkyOne Year the Milkweed, 1944
oil on canvas
94.2 x 119.3 cm (37 1/16 x 46 15/16 in.)

painted 4 years before his death.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Anton Henning Exhibition from 11sep - 16 October 2010 in New York

Stilleben mit Früchten No. 61, 2010 Oil on canvas 27.56 x 39.37 inches / 70 x 100 cm

When I look at this painting, I can't help but notice the titel: Still-life with fruits, and things do make more sense when I read it, it looks like there is 2 oranges, grapes, possible plums, I can certaintly make out an apple - I wonder what exactly is on it and if the artist would tell me. This picture intrigues me so much that I would love to go to the exhibition.

“Ferien vom Du!/Abstract Masterpaintings”
Exhibition dates: September 11 – October 16, 2010
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 10-6

Anthon Henning is a German artist and the Gallery is presenting recent paintings, collages and video. Anton Henning was born in 1964 and lives and works in Manker, Germany. He has exhibited widely throughout Europe, and his work is included in many important museum and private collections.

Gallery: Zachfeuer New York
this is their website:
you can find the address and phone number on the site.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What is Art? by Elisabeth Guest

How can Art be defined?

Art can be interpreted from countless angles as we all have various backgrounds and personalities, the question is what is the definition of art - how can we understand what it means from a unknowing perspective. After deciding that art is very elusive the question is how do we appreciate art without getting confused by what art is and what not? The answer to this might be answered by comprehending that art has different elements: its structure (form) and its content. Based on these elements it will become easier to reach understanding of what art is. Art can start as an idea which would be considered its content, but at one point will have to be formed to life to be art – this can happen as words, constructions, sketches, drawings etc.; and when art starts with its form, the thought (content) will change the before meaningless form to art.

The answer to my original question remains hard to explain in one easy definition. This following situation might be a very useful in understanding how versatile art can be. Imagine a group of 100 people that originated from places all over the world, they have went on a journey to discover art in the most ordinary places, they cannot take one step without one person stopping and communicating how this stone and that building is art because of specific features that seem unique and “artful”, they have spent the whole day within a 200 feet radius because they have been disagreeing and agreeing on countless "art-pieces" created by nature and created by mankind, that they have not been able to determine one piece that they all agree with. Art does not have to be beautiful to everybody and does not have to be art to everyone. In conclusion it can be determined that art can be observed by content and form, but that it is almost impossible to determine what exactly art is to everyone, but only what art is to yourself.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Statue of a thick woman in Bamberg, my hometown

This is a statue that is located near downtown of Bamberg, Germany (my hometown), I don't know the artist but as soon as I find out will post it...

Art showing Pragues Roofs by Yuriy Shevchuk

Pastel on Canvas by Yuriy Shevchuk, showing the roofs in Prague, Czech Republic painted in 2001. Yuriy comes from Kiev, Ukraine.

A insight into the Contemporary Art Gallery of italian artists in Berlin

Nicola Caredda, Al primo giorno di
primavera, Canvas painting, 93x108,5
cm, 2008

when I look at this painting I can't help but notice the tree, that looks like it is a grown tree but the size is relatively small, the other thing I realize is that the girl has a bandade on her head - looking at her face it looks like she might sick because of her blue eye-circles, who is she looking at? The child has a innocent face but her face shows concern with something that is towering over her, maybe her parents that inflict worry on her. This painting is very intriguing
