Thursday, September 23, 2010

My view on this art-work by Treacy Ziegler

Treacy Ziegler
"Off Stage"
19 x 14.5 inches
26 x 21 inches framed

When I look at her work, I feel put into a situation, by myself. The focus-point is the chair that is in the limelight, but yet it is "off-stage", almost as if she invites me to sit on it and breath the peace that is the opposite of the feeling I would get when I am in the middle of attention. Very great piece.
Unfortunately it was sold already and I understand why.

You can find her work in the Chase Young Gallery some are still for sale:
450 Harrison Ave, No. 57  Boston   MA   02118    617-859-7222

1 comment:

  1. I see what you mean. Even though this is a painting of a chair there is a charge to it. Almost as though at any minute that room will be filled and bustling with people or perhaps it was a moment before.

